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Course Offerings and Classroom

Course Offerings

Biology: Living Environment, Coastal Marine Science, Forensics, Science Fiction Literature, National Treasures




Photo of science classroom

The science classroom is painted a vibrant blue and organized with the instruction space up front and lab tables in the back. 








collage of marine creatures

Megan's classroom is also home to marine critters that students care for throughout the year. 











students working in science lab

In almost all science electives, students participate in hands-on work to complete labs, create projects, and conduct experiments.  Lab work is especially important for students in the state-mandated course, Living Environment. 








Megan dressed as Luna Lovegood

For our 2017 Halloween Festival, teachers teamed up with students to pay homage to the Harry Potter series. Megan played her part as Luna Lovegood to perfection! 

At Village, teachers are more than the givers of instruction and information.  They are mentors, friends, and family.