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Internship Program

Senior Internship Program

Photo of people standing
Each spring, a select number of seniors are given the opportunity to go on a semester- long internship. Eligible seniors are in good academic standing, are positive members of the Village community, and possess important character traits such as maturity and a good sense of personal responsibility.

The internship is worth three high school credits and provides students with unique experiences in any field of his or her choice. Our students have worked in education, finance, culinary arts, music management, accounting, and more.

Jessie, an intern during Spring 2015, presents to Village students.
Jessie and her mentor, Steve, are all smiles after a successful internship presentation.
The Evaluation Committee made up of students, the internship mentor, and two outside administrators
Amanda, a Spring 2013 intern, spent the semester working at a horse stable in Old Brookville, NY
In 2008, a student completed a mural entitled %22March Against Society%22 in  the Village School common

Internship Requirements

  • Report to internship four days a week and to Village School once a week

  • Teacher mentor site visit 

  • Completion of daily reflective journals

  • Completion of content-related research paper

  • Presentation to school 

  • Assessment of credit by Evaluation Committee